HD Animations for large screens

All animations can be enlarged without loss and are ideal for presentation on large screens:

Snellius Law of Refraction
Snellius Law of Refraction
Electromagnetic induction through rotation
Electromagnetic induction through rotation
Electromagnetic induction 1
Electromagnetic induction 1
Buoyancy on the wing profile
Buoyancy on the wing profile
RLC circuits
Forces on the rotor of a wind turbine
Forces on the rotor of a wind turbine
Design of rotor blades for wind turbines
Design of rotor blades for wind turbines
Thermodynamic processes in a four-stroke petrol engine
Thermodynamic processes in a four-stroke petrol engine
Control of a four-stroke petrol engine
Control of a four-stroke petrol engine
Series and shunt-wound motors
Series and shunt-wound motors
Electromagnetic force effect
Electromagnetic force effect
Forces on the wedge
Forces on the wedge
Structure of a crank swing arm
Structure of a crank swing arm