HD Animation: Dynamic lift on the wing profile

The animation illustrates the principle of dynamic lift. An aeroplane with a Clark-Y profile is shown. The angle of attack of the wing can be changed. The forces shown as vectors adapt accordingly.

Note on use

As with all animations, the windows can be enlarged or reduced by clicking on them.

After starting the application, you can view the animation in full-screen mode. To do this, click on “View” and then on “Full screen”:

To exit full screen mode, press the Esc key.

Description of the animation

If you click on the large content window of the animation, further levels become visible. The polar diagram shows how the lift and drag coefficients of the wing relate to each other. An analytical diagram is also shown as an alternative to the polar diagram.

The amount of lift can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Cₐ: Coefficient of lift. The lift coefficient is different for each airfoil type and depends on the shape of the wing. The value is determined by measurements in a wind tunnel or by simulations.
  • ρ (Rho): Density of the air through which the wing moves. It is given in kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m³) and can vary depending on altitude, temperature and humidity.
  • v: Speed of the object through the air in metres per second (m/s)
  • A: Reference area. This is the surface on which the air pressure acts to generate the buoyancy. This is the upper and lower surface of the wing.

Overview and Download

TitleBuoyancy on the wing profile
target audienceTeachers and lecturers
PlatformsMicrosoft® Windows®
Apple® Macintosh® (version dependent)
FeaturesFull screen mode
Lossless magnification
Large screens supported
DownloadContact us

Instructional idea

As a layman, you would not expect a wing with an angle of attack of 0 degrees to cause lift. The animation shows a real Clark-Y profile. It is based on actual measured coefficients for lift and drag. The animation shows how polar diagrams are read.

Note 1: The drag coefficients have been multiplied by a factor of 10 to make the polar diagram and the force vectors easier to recognise.

Note 2: The mass of the aircraft has an influence on how the aircraft behaves in reality. This behaviour is not shown realistically in the animation because many other aspects have to be taken into account. You can also imagine the aircraft or the wing as standing in a wind tunnel. The flying clouds indicate the wind speed.


C. Hein, S. Rikowski


  • Idea and first concept: Tamara Riehle
  • Clark-Y profile: http://www.ae.illinois.edu/m-selig/ads/coord_database.html
  • Authoring tool: Adobe Animate CC

2 thoughts on “HD Animation: Dynamic lift on the wing profile

  1. Es wird einem nicht verraten, mit welcher Applikation man die .exe öffnen soll…?? android will das aber wissen. oder kann man auf android nicht öffnen?

    • Guten Tag, leider kann man die exe-Dateien nur auf Windows-Systemen öffnen. Eine apk-Datei für Android gibt es derzeit nicht.

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