
In the context of learning research, a sensory channel is also referred to as a mode or modality. Certain learning processes are almost inconceivable without sensory experience.

Perception via several senses (multimodality) is associated with hopes for didactic applications. Research contributions from cognitive psychology provide partial answers as to the conditions under which these hopes are actually fulfilled.

In addition to multimodality (different sensory channels), Weidenmann also mentions multicoding (different symbol systems) as a characteristic of multimedia communication (2002).


Clark, Ruth Colvin, and Richard E. Mayer (2011): E-learning and the science of instruction: proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. 3rd ed. San Francisco, Calif.: Pfeiffer.

Weidenmann, Bernd (2002): “Multicodierung und Multimodalität im Lernprozess.” In: Informationen und Lernen mit Multimedia und Internet. 3rd edition. Weinheim 2002: Beltz. pp. 45–62.