The animation shows how electric motors work and their operating behaviour. Series and shunt-wound motors are compared. Note on use As with all animations, the windows can be enlarged or reduced by clicking on them. After starting the application, you can view the animation in full-screen mode. To do this, click on “View” and then […]
Electrical engineering
HD Animation: Electromagnetic force effect
The following animation illustrates the principle of the electromagnetic force effect. The animation shows an experimental setup in which a current-carrying conductor is exposed to an external magnetic field. The Lorentz force law predicts that a force acts on the conductor. This force is noticeable in the animation in that the conductor is deflected to […]
HD Animation: Operating principle of a 3-phase alternator
Note on use As with all animations, the windows can be enlarged or reduced by clicking on them. After starting the application, you can view the animation in full-screen mode. To do this, click on “View” and then on “Full screen”: To exit full screen mode, press the Esc key. The top left-hand section of […]